Monday, September 8, 2008


Ms. Obs HER Vation ...Makes Observations.

I want to know who created the great idea of giving people these annoying little plastic key chain holders? Every store I go into I hear, "Do you have a Duane Reed Card? Do you have a C.V.S. card? Do you have a PetCo card? Do you have a Key Food Card? And every time I have to go in my purse and fish out my key chain and present this card. And for what? I present the card they scan it. Big bloody deal! The store has effectively not only taken my money but taken my time.

Slyly, they cloak this little exercise in the guise of saving me money. One might ask , "How do I actually save money?" Well, I physically have to run around the store and waste my time to look for stickers pasted over specific merchandise for savings that only apply if I can produce the said card.

And should I actually have the gaul get to the counter and not have a card I am bombarded by the clerks rush about, shoving papers in my face that -I MUST fill out!

This process is an information gatherers dream come true. In order to get a card I have to give them my name, address, email even my telephone number. Did you know that if I sadly forget to bring your card they can look me up on the computer using your phone number? That's right all my bare-assed information is out there. Where I was, what time, what I purchased, How I paid, how much I spent! I wonder what they do with all this information? Is it for sale?

But this is what I've been relegated to -a card carrying walking key chain. There was a time when I resisted but sooner of later the store I frequent has really great item on sale. For example, my favorite shampoo ( VO5 Herbal essence "free me freesia- with aloe extract Herbal Shampoo), but with a twist. Buy one "Herbal essence free me freesia shampoo" and get the other "Herbal essense free me freesia moisturizing conditioner for free". It was a sale I couldn't possibly resist and I was caught with my pants down... and with no card to boot. I was a bad person I did not have a card. How long could I have lasted?
In my life as a former resister I once decided to have the nerve to approach the counter without a card. I got the bright idea to ask someone in line to borrow their card so that I could get the coveted discount. I figured it wouldn't be a big deal? But I was wrong. In Manhattan where I live I've actually been told "I don't have a card" when I could see a card in the persons' hand. I've witnessed people slipping their card in their pockets... when I've asked and the clerks have glared at me for holding up the line. It was such instances that finally broke me. I felt I had no choice. I had to get a card but then I thought who says I HAVE to give the correct information.

I decided to make the decision to give a false name, address, phone number and email and what happened? I ended up feeling like a fraud. I was perpetrating some kind of social deviant crime . I was the shit disturber in this information gathering exercise. And in the end what did I have to show for all this aggrevation? One bottle of VO5 Herbal Essense free me frezia shampoo, one corresponding conditioner...and the illusion that I actually got a really great deal!
Ms. Obs Her Vation......signing off

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