Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year Where Have I Been?

Welcome back my dear friends and Happy New Year. My husband had a really bad accident and my landlord Kosbel Reality managed by RTD reality decided somewhere along the line that they wanted me out of my rent stabilized apartment. Well somehow this has turned into an ugly battle and every month papers come to my home from the office of Allison Furman to drag me back to court. I have endured over 54 court appearances over the last three years. And get this. The landlord Michael Kosta and the managing Agent Orrin Fiengold have not appeared even once in court not even once.
As you can imagine this had caused great stress in my life and continues to cause I go back to court tomorrow.

I was personally told by Michael Kosta himself that, "he does not care how much it cost him, his attorney Allison Furman will continue to harrass me". So there you have it in a nutshell. Oh and last January Orrin Fiengold threw a hard rubber dog toy as I walked away from him. The attack was so violent that two strangers called the police for me and a harassment report was filed.
I know right? This should be a movie.

So this has put a great damper on my blog time but I'm back now ande ready to rock and roll.