Thursday, July 30, 2020

Dr. Elisabeth Murray a Zoosadist?

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 Zoosadism is a pleasure derived from cruelty to animals. It is part of the Macdonald triad set to three behaviors that are considered a precursor to psychopathic behavior.
Let me ask you this. Is it possible to make living experimenting on animals by torturing them in all kinds of sadistic ways and not enjoy it on some level?

May I introduce to you Dr. Elisabeth Murray Senior Investigator in the Laboratory of Neuropsychology at the National Institute Mental Health.  For over 30 years our government has thrown approximately 36 million dollars to conduct her research. Take a close look...
At first glance she seems like a stereotypical school teacher but look closer, there is a method to her madness. 

(Here's where I get to show off my semiological skills. Semiology is the study of how signs and symbols work in culture to elicit emotions. for example, when you see red it's likely we think of love, sex excitement.)

Now check out Elisabeth or Betsy as she likes to call herself which she spells with a small "b". Betsy is a common debutante name. The fact that she uses a small 'b' is so people do not assume she comes from a privileged background. She is humble yet has a campy sense of humor. She can laugh at herself. 

 Everything she is wearing is branded to make her seem trustworthy, simple fair, kind and hard-working. If she were accused of torturing and killing monkeys in her lab you'd tell me to take a hike. 

 The frameless glasses, the lack of earrings or necklace makes her seem down to earth and sensible. Her overly thick hair looks like she's done her best to style it and is waiting to afford the next salon trip rather than to put it on a credit card and go into debt. 

Notice the color of the jacket. Navy would have made her seem administrative and strict. Instead, she picked a muted electric blue, off the rack with oversize shoulders to accentuate her small frame. That says , "I'd like to be full of the energy action and excitement"  that  pure  electric blue means but I like to temper those emotions wuth a muted tone which say, "I can make sensible judgments that are fair to all."  

One morning Dr. Murray got up and said to herself. "I need a new house and I need to figure out a study to get that extra funding. "So while she had tea and a crumpet she thought and thought and then...

"Eureka! "I've got it! Here's what I'll do, I'm going to study fear in monkeys by cutting around the frontal lobe that houses fear. 
 It's easy to take one of God's creatures drill open its skull, pull out a chunk of brain or better yet burn a section giving them irreversible brain damage. Then when the mentally broken creature wakes I will trap it on a small metal cage so it can barely turn around and then. since monkeys instinctually fear snakes I'll show them some and see if the creatures urinate in terror or freezes in a little ball or shake uncontrollably. Then I can say I am studying fear responses in primates! I'm going to order some monkeys and have them delivered to my lab!"

And that's exactly what Dr. Elisabeth Murray did. Now I ask you this. If she wasn't a doctor and didn't have a lab and was just a person on the street who tortured animals would they not be considered a serial killer or certainly on their way to becoming one? 

 I believe that this is a type of serial killer because to be a serial killer there had to be a three-person baseline limit but I believe there is another type of serial killer a more intellectual self-disciplined type who has made a decision never to move on to commit such atrocities on their fellow humans. And if you were that type of killer where is the best place to hide?

 How about behind a Ph'd in a lab that experiments with animals which will supply you with endless victims on which you can torture as much as you want and get paid. And that's exactly where this type of serial killer lives. And the closest they get to man are primates. 

I would also suggest that people who experiment on primates or any other animals are serial killers whose primary motive is to seek the adrenalin rush derived by hunting and killing their victims.

Criminologist Jose Sanchez has observed that what sets this type of personality apart from the rest of us is the lack of empathy for their victims. 

To experiment on animals and be able to look into their eyes at the terror your presence bring to their soul takes a lack of empathy that is antithetical to being human. The primary motive of a thrill killer is to induce pain or terror in their victims, which provides stimulation and excitement for the killer. They seek the adrenaline rush provided by hunting and killing victims.

So while using the term Serial Killer cannot apply to those who experiment on animals I believe there is a subset called Zoosadist Serial Killers and they must be contained and given treatment for the psychopathic behavious that they exhibit. It's a good thing Dr. Murray works in Mental Health. Let us pray that her loved ones convince her to get the help she so desperately needs and her assistants as well. She could not do this alone. 

Here she is proud, smiling and getting ready to study;

Decision making in the Primate Prefrontal Cortex. 

And what does that mean? Elisabeth will be cutting out a piece of the brain of a terrorized beautiful creature that soils itself in horror as she enters the room. Clearly, she gets immense pleasure from her work in her house of horrors. So it is a Zoosadist that looks at us happily and then turns around to drill into a screaming monkey's brain, cut out a piece, sew it back wait till the creature wakes in shock and pain it's world irreparably fractured and then tries to elicit terror in the poor creature. Yep. There she is smiling at us. 

Feel free to email her the prayer below or ask her politely to reconsider the goals of her professional life.

Dear God,

Help Dr. Elisabeth Murray and her colleagues to get the help that they need and cease their animals' experiments immediately. Give them the ability to feel great empathy and respect and love for all your creatures which will block their ability to perform the tasks of torture and pain for which they are paid and for which some if not all derive an abnormal thrill. Make them look into the watery eyes of the speechless ones they set upon to torture and make them understand that their presence makes a creature soil itself in terror because they exist.  Let them feel shame and pain and sicken their souls so they cannot do their evil work. And let them feel your light when they stop look away and can do no more. 

And when they get well let them take pictures and videotape and release all proof of their sins to animal rights groups.  Let them atone by finding other ways in which to understand the world around them and make a living for themselves and their families by protecting and preserving and helping the creatures that they once terrorized. 

And please God encourage them to write and speak and tell what the rest of us can never know. What is it in them that allows them to absorb the terror and pain of another over and over again? What parts of being human must they cut out of themselves?  And God if they get pleasure from their acts may the medical community of mental health descend upon them, strap them down, institutionalize them, and keep them from passing their infection to others. May they be contained and healed. 

May their genetic seed never pass that ability to another.

And that includes you Dr. Elisabeth Murray.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Women's National Book Association promotes racist writer Linda Rosen

 No character arch, crafting, or any required elements that define this short story exist, and the imagery is racist stereotyped the black man as the "archetypal brute." Keep in mind Ms. Rosen is in a position of power. She holds four board positions, Vice President and Events Coordinator of South Florida chapter of the Women's National Book Association and Secretary of the Head Office in New York City, and the Great Group Reads coordinator.  She sets the tone. She is an example of what is acceptable and what is not, and racist literature apparently is welcome, not just in the WNBA of South Florida but in the WNBA as a whole.  Natalie Obando, the President of the Organization, and Julie Frey-The Communications Chair have issued their public support on this matter.  


 Through the Peep Hole," a short story by Linda Rosen, is a stereotypical portrayal of a man with "onyx shin" who has a "repugnant odor of armpits and cigarette smells,"  who may or may not rape the protagonist, a white woman. He breaks into her apartment moments after she has just finished eating a tuna fish sandwich. (Again with smell) Is this a fetish?




 It's sad that in this climate of Black Lives Matter that a writer would waste time with exclusionary hurtful and harmful words and post it proudly on her website. I guess she wants to make it clear where she stands, and she does. 

 Ms. Rosen is he is featured on the WNBA website and sponsored to give readings. In any other organization, she would be asked to resign from her board positions. But for some reason, the WNBA who feeds off grants to promote women of color has absolutely no problem upholding what a racist short story by Linda Rosen is. In fact, Great Good Reads f division, which the WNBA controls, encourages writers to be part of them with"voices no matter how distasteful," and that would include hate literature. 

The main character is a stereotype of a black man who, and I quote, has "a pungent odor of cigarettes, armpits, and sweat" and also attacks a white woman.

This is the archetype of the "brute man" who targets helpless victims, especially white women, and can be traced back to the writer Charles H. Smith in 1892. It is a firmly entrenched stereotype that "links a black man to danger and negative stereotypes hard Black Americans at every turn." (Scientific America Dr. Katie Milkman 2010).

 We meet the "onyx skinned" man outside her apartment in Manhattan, and he thrusts his way in because she didn't use the peephole to check first. As he pulls her inside, she thinks he might use a switchblade, has a gun, exa, or rape her because, in the author's mind, that is what big " onyx-skinned" men do to white women. They hang outside their 
apartments, waiting to assault them. 

 The story  fixates on the smell of the man; it "festers in her nose, cigarette, armpits tobacco, and sweat." The man with "a voice as low as his onyx shin"  enters her apartment like a "cat pouncing on a sparrow." (Was that a black cat Ms. Rosen?) And then low and behold, he realizes he's got the wrong white woman (they all look the same), and instead of leaving immediately he grabs her purse, hands it to her politely, and asks for 5 dollars for a cab -which would get him down two blocks in NYC. 

What if she only had credit cards? What would happen then?

After he leaves, she doesn't call the police; she starts cleaning the apartment from "the putrid smell( he left) penetrating my furniture, my clothes, my hair."

 So the "onyx-skinned" man who smells like "armpits" 
leaves an odor so "pungent and revolting" that she will remember that smell for a lifetime. Even if she gets Alzheimer's and doesn't remember a thing, she'll remember his smells.

The real question to ask this writer is why smells on a man with "onyx skin" are "putrid," but if we look a little deeper, I think this is a pseudo-sexual thing going on. The story is peppered with words that hint at the truth.  She "gulps down big breaths, "squats" in front of cabinets, sits "erect" her neck is "hammered" Her "carotid pulses" Methinks the lady promoted by the WBBA  doth protest too much!  

In any case, the "man with a voice as deep as his onyx skin" leaves to get a cab to find the right white woman to mug and maybe rape?  

(The publication that the author points to, The Dying Goose, cannot be found, and the publication Cracked the Spine had no search of her work... they should both be relieved) 

This author has made it very clear where she stands, and so does the WNBA of South Florida and New York City head office. 






Thursday, July 23, 2020

Happy Farms my Ass

If you look at this bag of cheese it's got all the feel good consumer words;
1. Happiest
2. Farms

Hell there is even a picture of a happy cow grazing! Information like this is false and  misleading
It is a factory farm.
A chamber of torture for the cows who are kept perpetually pregnant giving birth to babies they deficate into a trough that waits behind them.
And I can't help thinking...
The farming industry is immune to full disclosure which is
ironic because we live in an age that demands  full disclosure.

Why can't I visit Happy Farms? Why is there no information on the Internet when I Googled Happy Farms.

How is it possible that a farm of this size in  Illinois can hide all information including location?

Because factory farms are not happy they are houses of horror and if you saw what was taking place inside you would never eat animal flesh or things made through  animals flesh again.  Start now save a cow. Then we can all be truly happy together.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Is Dr. Elisabeth Murray a Zoosadist?

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 Zoosadism is a pleasure derived from cruelty to animals. It is part of the Macdonald triad set to three behaviors that are considered a precursor to psychopathic behavior.
Let me ask you this. Is it possible to make living experimenting on animals by torturing them in all kinds of sadistic ways and not enjoy it on some level?

May I introduce to you Dr. Elisabeth Murray Senior Investigator in the Laboratory of Neuropsychology at the National Institute Mental Health.  For over 30 years our government has thrown approximately 36 million dollars to conduct her research. Take a close look...
At first glance she seems like a stereotypical school teacher but look closer, there is a method to her madness. 

(Here's where I get to show off my semiological skills. Semiology is the study of how signs and symbols work in culture to elicit emotions. for example, when you see red it's likely we think of love, sex excitement.)

Now check out Elisabeth or Betsy as she likes to call herself which she spells with a small "b". Betsy is a common debutante name. The fact that she uses a small 'b' is so people do not assume she comes from a privileged background. She is humble yet has a campy sense of humor. She can laugh at herself. 

 Everything she is wearing is branded to make her seem trustworthy, simple fair, kind and hard-working. If she were accused of torturing and killing monkeys in her lab you'd tell me to take a hike. 

 The frameless glasses, the lack of earrings or necklace makes her seem down to earth and sensible. Her overly thick hair looks like she's done her best to style it and is waiting to afford the next salon trip rather than to put it on a credit card and go into debt. 

Notice the color of the jacket. Navy would have made her seem administrative and strict. Instead, she picked a muted electric blue, off the rack with oversize shoulders to accentuate her small frame. That says , "I'd like to be full of the energy action and excitement"  that  pure  electric blue means but I like to temper those emotions wuth a muted tone which say, "I can make sensible judgments that are fair to all."  

One morning Dr. Murray got up and said to herself. "I need a new house and I need to figure out a study to get that extra funding. "So while she had tea and a crumpet she thought and thought and then...

"Eureka! "I've got it! Here's what I'll do, I'm going to study fear in monkeys by cutting around the frontal lobe that houses fear. 
 It's easy to take one of God's creatures drill open its skull, pull out a chunk of brain or better yet burn a section giving them irreversible brain damage. Then when the mentally broken creature wakes I will trap it on a small metal cage so it can barely turn around and then. since monkeys instinctually fear snakes I'll show them some and see if the creatures urinate in terror or freezes in a little ball or shake uncontrollably. Then I can say I am studying fear responses in primates! I'm going to order some monkeys and have them delivered to my lab!"

And that's exactly what Dr. Elisabeth Murray did. Now I ask you this. If she wasn't a doctor and didn't have a lab and was just a person on the street who tortured animals would they not be considered a serial killer or certainly on their way to becoming one? 

 I believe that this is a type of serial killer because to be a serial killer there had to be a three-person baseline limit but I believe there is another type of serial killer a more intellectual self-disciplined type who has made a decision never to move on to commit such atrocities on their fellow humans. And if you were that type of killer where is the best place to hide?

 How about behind a Ph'd in a lab that experiments with animals which will supply you with endless victims on which you can torture as much as you want and get paid. And that's exactly where this type of serial killer lives. And the closest they get to man are primates. 

I would also suggest that people who experiment on primates or any other animals are serial killers whose primary motive is to seek the adrenalin rush derived by hunting and killing their victims.

Criminologist Jose Sanchez has observed that what sets this type of personality apart from the rest of us is the lack of empathy for their victims. 

To experiment on animals and be able to look into their eyes at the terror your presence bring to their soul takes a lack of empathy that is antithetical to being human. The primary motive of a thrill killer is to induce pain or terror in their victims, which provides stimulation and excitement for the killer. They seek the adrenaline rush provided by hunting and killing victims.

So while using the term Serial Killer cannot apply to those who experiment on animals I believe there is a subset called Zoosadist Serial Killers and they must be contained and given treatment for the psychopathic behavious that they exhibit. It's a good thing Dr. Murray works in Mental Health. Let us pray that her loved ones convince her to get the help she so desperately needs and her assistants as well. She could not do this alone. 

Here she is proud, smiling and getting ready to study;

Decision making in the Primate Prefrontal Cortex. 

And what does that mean? Elisabeth will be cutting out a piece of the brain of a terrorized beautiful creature that soils itself in horror as she enters the room. Clearly, she gets immense pleasure from her work in her house of horrors. So it is a Zoosadist that looks at us happily and then turns around to drill into a screaming monkey's brain, cut out a piece, sew it back wait till the creature wakes in shock and pain it's world irreparably fractured and then tries to elicit terror in the poor creature. Yep. There she is smiling at us. 

Feel free to email her the prayer below or ask her politely to reconsider the goals of her professional life.

Dear God,

Help Dr. Elisabeth Murray and her colleagues to get the help that they need and cease their animals' experiments immediately. Give them the ability to feel great empathy and respect and love for all your creatures which will block their ability to perform the tasks of torture and pain for which they are paid and for which some if not all derive an abnormal thrill. Make them look into the watery eyes of the speechless ones they set upon to torture and make them understand that their presence makes a creature soil itself in terror because they exist.  Let them feel shame and pain and sicken their souls so they cannot do their evil work. And let them feel your light when they stop look away and can do no more. 

And when they get well let them take pictures and videotape and release all proof of their sins to animal rights groups.  Let them atone by finding other ways in which to understand the world around them and make a living for themselves and their families by protecting and preserving and helping the creatures that they once terrorized. 

And please God encourage them to write and speak and tell what the rest of us can never know. What is it in them that allows them to absorb the terror and pain of another over and over again? What parts of being human must they cut out of themselves?  And God if they get pleasure from their acts may the medical community of mental health descend upon them, strap them down, institutionalize them, and keep them from passing their infection to others. May they be contained and healed. 

May their genetic seed never pass that ability to another.

And that includes you Dr. Elisabeth Murray.