Thursday, May 17, 2018

Deportation Bus: SS Welcome

I have mentioned before that the SS shadow has descended. Check this out!

Republicanism candidate for governor ofGeorgia is driving a “deportation bus” around the state, promising to fill it withundocumented immigrants and “send them back to where they came from”.

Michael Williams –a Georgia state senator and, according to his website, the first elected official in the state to endorse Donald Trump – announced this week that he would drive a bus around the state to raise awareness of the “overwhelming problem of illegal immigration”.

“Throughout his bus tour of sanctuary cities, Williams will expose how dangerous illegal aliens ruin local economies, cost American jobs, increase healthcare costs, and lower education standards,” a statement on hisFacebook page reads.

A message painted on the back of the bus reads: ‘Danger: Murderers, rapists, kidnappers, child molesters and other criminals onboard.”

“We’re not just gonna track ‘em and watch ‘em roam around our state,’ Mr Williams says, slapping the bus for emphasis. “We’re gonna put ‘em on this bus and send ‘em home”.

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