Sunday, January 29, 2017

Civil War is here. We have the right to Bear Arms

If anyone ever wanted to know why The Right To Bear Arms is in the Constitution then look no further.. a civil war  is brewing.

It is possible that the moment the National Guard starts to break up these rallies is the moment that some citizens of the U.S.  will invoke their right TO BEAR ARMS.

God Bless you Justice Ann Donnelly

And again....God bless you Justice Donnelly

Thursday, January 26, 2017

What if New York State says Fuck You to the Federal Government?

A think tank brought this to my attention....


The seed of Civil War is planted. New York State declares itself a Sanctuary  state.
All government funding is cut off as punishment.


So. What if New York State says Fuck-You to the Federal Government .

Lets pretend that New York State declares itself a sovereign state.

What if the mayors office opens a non-profit fund to make up for the monetary punishment?

What if  all of the  people in New York State and all undocumented workers donate what they can towards protecting the values of the city and state.

What if 19.75 million people pitch in five bucks each.

(That would be 97.5 million dollars).

And what if many New Yorkers are much more generous?

And why not  legalize pot for extra taxes?

So. What if New York says Fuck- You to the Federal Government waits four years and wipes every Republican candidate off the political landscape forever?

Friday, January 20, 2017

The National Anthem singer is Disastrous

Jacke Evanco screeched like a cat in heat.

How is the word "Best" measured Mr. Trump

What does the word "best" really mean to Donald Trump?

Is is measured by peacefullness and love?
