Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bert: the Caterpillar Born 76th Day Birthday!!!!!! July 18th 1017

 Bert in his Sarcophagus where he stayed on the Dill Weed Plant in my kitchen for 76 days.  Born July 18th, 2017.

 Above: Bert drying his wings today above.
Below: Bert in his shoebox near his Banana Plant.

Bert Eating on a Plant in my Front yard.
Happy 76th day birthday Bert!
This morning Bert was born between 7 and 8 am in the morning.
The blue markings signify that he is a Baby Boy!
I did not see him emerge but found him hanging from the dill weed plant in my kitchen drying his wings. I took him outside in a really funky showbox, and let him rest until he got up and flew away.
I will miss my Bert.

Not only that... but the bananas on my Banana Plant are ready to be picked today.
Not only that... but yesterday I started a 21 day meditation series with Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey. The meditation was called "Who and I- I am my Desire".

Am  I a butterfly?

The meditation today is called Empower me! (You can still join!! Just go to the Deepak Chopra web site).
This experience has been magical, wondrous and I am truely blessed.
But this is not over. 
What more could be instore for me on this Uber symbolic day.
P.S. For the last 76 days I have been photographing Bert's progress and the same time photographing the banana plant growing Bananas in my backyard. Great Book, great Art Show on the way.  See you soon. 
And.... don't be surprised if an Iindie film is made.  
P.S.S. Not only that....but yesterday my charity "Boots on the Ground", made contact with an Animal Shelter that is in dire need of the Basics. Think food, bleach, and water.  I will have an Amazon wish list set up this week, if you would be so kind and buy a couple of blankets or dog treats I would be so grateful. 



Bert is born!!! 76th day!!!!!

Bert my little caterpillar was born between 7 and 8 am this morning.
I thought that this was a private and sacred time so I didn't want to film it.
But when I awoke Bert was hanging upside down on his loyal Dill Weed plant drying his wings.I cannot figure out how he got out of his little tomb.
I put him in a box and in about half and hour he was ready to go.
I know he is a boy because of the blue spots on his wings.
Oh. I forgot to mention that the bananas are ripe and ready to pick today! They started growing the day Bert entered his sarcophagus. Life. The day, today.Will I fly away?

I will miss my little Egyptian mummy Bert. Blessings Bert and happy journeys!!!!!😚💜🎵🎀🎉

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Bert the Caterpillar Turns 74 days old.

It's Bert the Caterpillars 74th day birthday today !!!!!!
This is what Bert looked like when he was 21 days old. His favorite food was the Dill Weed Plant I kept on the counter in my Kitchen. Berts has eaten two plants so far and I only have one left in the garden. Will Bert eat me out of house and home?

Watch Bert EAT
Then one day Bert bowed his little head and began to make a wooden tomb so he could hopefully become a butterfly. 
This is what Bert Looked like a day ago, He is 73 days old
This is what Bert looks like today. I think his back bumps are growing larger.
My little Bert is beginning to grow little spikey horns on his back. If you look closer at the two pictures you will see them.
AND more good news! Bert moved to drink some water. It's the weirdest thing. My little twig- Bert encased in his wooden Sarcophagus drinks and jumps like silly puddy. The teeny silk strands hold his body in place.
It is mind blowing (at least in my limited mind) to see something that is understood to be immobile suddenly become mobile and move with such grace. Definitly a Mind Warp.

I wonder, with all our techology if we should try to duplicate the strength of little Bert's  strands?


This transformation just may happen. I will keep you posted on Bert.

Meanwhile at the same time the banana plant in my backyard has drooped from the weight of the bananas and has laid itself on the ground like a big bird leg. Is it possible that when the bananas ripen enough for me to make banana bread that Bert will emerge a beautiful Swallow Tail butterfly?

Below: See the "Banana Bird Leg" from my Banana plant on the same day you saw Bert move!
      This is my Banana Plant.             

See the Bananas?
My Banana Plant and the "Bird Leg"

  I hope with all my heart that Birt will emerge a Swallowtail Butterfuly and  fly away!  I've got the birthing room ready! When he's dried himself from the amnioticniotic fluid in his pod I have a butterfly sancuary waiting to welcome him.
Hang in there Bert.
I love you!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Bert my Caterpillar Pet is 70 days old today!


Bert as Caterpillar
Bert as Sarcophagus
Notice the two thin silk threads that attached him to the stem of the plant.? Uber Awesome!

Bert the Caterpillar who lives on the Dill weed plant in my kitchen turns 70 days old today.
It's been 70 days since my little Bert entombed himself in his Sarcophagus. I know you may think 70 days is a long time, but Bert is a Swallowtail butterfly, which means he can stay like that for up to 6 the months. I mist him ever day to prevent his teak coffin from drying up. I know he's in there because his little tail moves at night.

He is eating the nutrition from his body to grow into a big beautiful butterfly, hopefully soon. Stand by Bert.

Banana Bread on it's Way!

The Banana Plant in my Backyard. Eventually I will bake banana bread! 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

How Trump will Save Healthcare

I believe that when a person no longer knows their name, can't feed themselves or clean themselves maybe it's time to Logan's Run'em. Logan's Run, for those of you who don't know, is a sci-fi movie made in  the 70's and set in the 2274, about a culture that puts to death people who turn 30 because the population cannot sustain itself because of the high costs of Healthcare. 😈  Logan is played by  Michael York and is the main character who is aging out, doesn't want to die and so he runs.

Seems silly but this plot line may be closer to being realized in our society then we think.

Seriously. What do we do with all these Alzheimer's patients while they sit in front of a window waiting to die and end up costing the Healthcare system billions of dollars?

They are fed.  They are clothed and their diapers are changed.  They are bathed, they are medicated. They will never know their name. Their brain has been eaten away from the inside-out. To make matters worse they can languish  like this for years. The body is a resilient thing.

If  these individuals are euthanized, killed, or murdered, would that not revive the healthcare system ...big time?

And I say "when" not "if",  Trump implements this "program",  the money saved from taking care of these people will invigorate the entire system.

(Check out the shriveled Alzheimer's brain below)

Why do you think the Healthcare talks are secret? And why do you think the Democrats will agree.

But on the flip side, caring for these people is also a very profitable.  There are hospitals, and doctors, nurses, medications, beds, and  that's just the beginning.  When they leave the hospital, the nursing home,  kicks in.  There are Caregivers , more nurses and doctors, diapers, food, clothing, soap, sheets, towels, pillows, and more medications.

If we do Logan's Run the Alzheimer's patients  that would cut out the sales of billions of dollars of prescription drugs that these people ingest. Check this out. "The numbers don't lie." (Huckabee- Sanders)

According to the Alzheimer's Association, these people cost the Healthcare system 236 billion dollars last year in the U.S. The Huffington Posts  also pointed out that around 150 billion of that is paid out by Medicaid and Medicare. And get this...worldwide Alzheimer's cost 605 billion last year. That's 1% of the entire worlds gross domestic product.  It's a global problem.

In this scenario, the drug companies the Senators and the Wall Street Boy investors are not going to loose billions of dollars in order to save the Healthcare system. Somehow they have got to find a way to divert investments in a way that will not only cover their short term loss but produce profit in the long term.   Logan's Running 'em will cost billions of dollars. Here's where the Art of The Deal comes in. What they are negotiating now is  what percentage of the money saved by implementing this new "program"will go back into the private sector in order to lower the costs of Healthcare and at the same time compensate for the huge losses that these ancillary companies will suffer.

I believe that once this deal is done the Politicians  will go back to their constituents and sell the Alzheimer's thing because no one wants Alzheimer's and no one wants to  burden their family for years. Right now this is what happens.

When that  deal is made. Trump Wins!

This I get. This I agree with. This idea should be explored.

But what I heard on Tucker Carlson last night seems to me outrageous. (6/29/2017) and it made me think. (Yes I do that sometimes...think)
It was suggested that if a drug addict is treated twice, revived and sent on their way, that is all well and good. But if that same drug addict needs treatment a  third time the state will no longer😈 treat them.

What? Yep?

Message to Drug Addict;

There will be no third try for you. We will not pick you up by ambulance we will not admit you into the hospital but we will let you die on the street and then pick up your body. And how will we know that this has been your third time? Don't worry silly, the first time you  O.D. you will be outfitted with a chip that can be scanned before any decisions are made to save you or not.

And then I asked myself... when does this  stop?  At 30? in 2274?💀

Leave Melania Trump Alone She is our First Lady

As I have said before (and clearly I'm really good at predicting  what Trump will do next) LEAVE Melania Trump alone.

She is classy and regal and she may save the planet from nuclear war.
She is also honest and forthright and brave and we should be applauding her.
Not condemning her.

Yesterday Melania issued a statement in response to her husband's bloody insult to female reporter Mika Brzezinski, she said,"when my husband gets attacked, he will punch back 10 times harder".

It's a violent description of our President, he attacks, he punches he over reacts.

She is not, and I repeat , she is NOT supporting her husband she is warning us about his destructive streak. She is essentially telling us that he is capable of  nuking the world! Don't believe me? Read on.

Let's look at what she really said and get off her case for not confronting her bully husband. Here are three good reasons:

First, what we have to understand is that maybe she's scared maybe she's  intimidated by him. Maybe she wants to protect her son from his father. Whatever it is Melania Trump is in a relationship with a man that few of us could tolerate.

Second, I believe that our First Lady  (in her golden cage in the sky) is suffering trapped and unhappy. What are her options? Speak out against him?  Leave this man and face the consequences?

And third, there is a reason why Donald's first wife Ivana doesn't say a peep, there is a reason why  Marla his second wife makes herself scarce.

 If you were a women would you feel safe getting on Trumps radar?

What is Melania supposed to do? If she dared think of leaving him before he became President she dare not think about it now. EVER. Can you spell trapped!

Why has this not crossed the mind of her critics? We should all know better.

Melania has bravely and plainly stated that "when her husband gets attacked he WILL punch back.

She also uses the word 'PUNCH".  This is wake-up time. Punch. In other words, action taken with a closed fist. It's a hard hit .

A punch is worse than a slap. A punch can  fatal. A punch knocks you out and flattens you on the floor.

Wake up people. This is a woman who has lived with this  bully for years. Perhaps she tried to argue with him maybe he perceived that as an attack and in response he shut her down or worse.

The words she chose were very well crafted and at the same time full of foreboding.

She  also used the work "attacked:" Lets stop for a moment. Attacked. That doesn't mean hurt or insulted, it's  a military term:
                    "aggressive action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or     armed  force, typically in a battle or war". (Dictionary)

Simply put the word "attack" is a term used to initiate war.  Attacking someone or something gives the attackee permission to take action.

Our President  feels "attacked".  He does not feel hurt or insulted or even pissed off.

But this? From our President?

It's no surprise that Reporters who mock our President are perceived by Trump of being attackers.   He experiences the very real persecution taking place against him on a deeply personal level.  In  his mind there is a war going on between him and his target.  So far it's the press. What if its North Korea next? What if it's Melania?

I've heard so many news anchors accusing her of not responding harshly enough to her husband who is obsessed with women, blood and a black man as President that we are missing her subtle and ominous point.

She also tells us that when her husband feels "attacked" he fights back 10 times harder. She did not say that he evens out the score,extends and olive branch, or uses temperance diplomacy and wisdom, Not our President. He responds with aggression and tells us that he responds with uber aggression ten times more then what is required.  There is no impetus to even out the fight, make a wrong right. Trump wants to crush his target fully to crush them beyond anything they could ever imagine to crush them so hard that they will NEVER rise again. That's a dangerous quality in a man with the Nuclear Launch Codes.

Do we as women (and men) really want to put a classy and regal woman like Melania in the spotlight for just being honest? Do we want her hurt and bullied and shut down, punched?  Do you not think she paid dearly for pushing her husband hand away?

Leave Melania alone and celebrate the guts she had to release this statement She is telling us the truth. Let's applaud her. Let's help her. She loves this Country, and we are blessed to have her as a first lady our first lady, Melania Trump.