Sunday, November 3, 2019

How to sell Healthcare for All

This is what will happen if universal healthcare or Healthcare for All happens. 

 Freedom. Freedom? Yes freedom.  "What's up with that Kay?"
"Allow me to explain". 

First of all the politicians who are trying to sell Universal Healthcare to the population are missing the most important part of the argument. They are not selling it as freedom and don't we all like freedom? 

As it stands corporations use healthcare  to control workers. People select jobs for healthcare rather than for interests, curiosity, satisfaction and happiness . 

With Healthcare For All, people will be able to choose the jobs they want. People who dreamed of working in a local knitting shop, or a library or a motorcycle repair shop can do that. 

People who are employed in a job they want will help that business grow and small businesses can start to hire individuals that want to be there. 

 Right now corporations hold workers hostage in jobs they never wanted and that stress causes health problems. 

Imagine people leaving a job for another that they like to do? Corporate America will not stand for that. They want slaves and controlling healthcare is the way they ensure that. 

Under "Healthcare for All" workers can start to move and experiment with different types of jobs without fear of loosing healthcare. 

Now that's Freedom! Healthcare For All...bring it on.  

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