Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Report Idling... call 311

You read it right. The title of this article is NOT a sci-fi prediction.

The people of NYC have actually been told (through radio advertising) to call 311 when vehicles  are suspected of idling.

Clearly this stupidity was not thought through. Below are 18 good reasons that proves this idea is idiotic.

1. What exactly is idling?

Well, according to the definition;

"Idling occurs when a vehicle is left running unnecessarily when stopped."

2. But how do we define "unnecessarily idling?"

3.  How long must "unnecessarily idling"  take place before a person is obligated to call 311?
One minute? Two minutes? Three?

4. Can you be stopped in traffic and be accused of idling?

5. Can an ambulance delivering a patient be accused of idling?

6. Has  illegal idling   occured if one picks up a hot dog at 7.11?

7. Is idling a threat if a parent  picks up their child from school or  a doctors office?

8. Will Fed Ex ,UPS,  and all delivery trucks in the city of NYC be targeted for idling?

9.  Does the term "idling  vehicles" apply to  mortorcycles, electric bikes, or hoverboards?

10. If a person becomes an "idling enforcer" should they carry a stop watch?

11. How do we prove that illegal idling has taken place?
(You can't take a picture of an  ideling object or for that matter a video).

12. How does a citizen identify a potentially idling vehicle?

13.How do we know if the person who has reported this infraction is telling the  truth?

14. If an ideling car drives away should  the "idling enforcer"  write down the licence plate?

15. If I am accused of idling will I get a ticket? If so, for how much and how many points?

Will my insurance rates go up?

16. Can I fight an idling charge in court?

17.   Who is the idiot that came up with this idea and spent thousands of dollars in advertising?

18.  And WHY in New York City are we  diverting resources to enforce such stupidity?

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