Saturday, April 11, 2009

Oprah gets it WRONG

Ive been watching the Oprah show lately and overall Oprah is the bomb. On the subject of sex and our kids however I think she has got it wrong. Gail and I stand on the same side on this one.
It's really NOT necessary to tell our young daughters about vibrators and pleasure at ten years old. Girls are different than boys in that they DO NOT have a penis.

She's suggesting that the more information the better but I don't think this is necessarily true. Our bodies will tell us when it's time to start asking questions. Our body always have. Little boys will get erections that what the male body does. It is really necessary to arm these little boys about the intimacies of little girls anatomies so that then can get started on their exploration right away?

What happened to the mystery? Why is mystery and self discovery such a problem? Our generation turned out OK and most of our moms didn't even talk about sex. Do we really have to throw ourselves in doing the exact opposite of what our mother's did? Is this about sex ed or proving a generation wrong?

And ..I don't buy the argument that because we are uncomfortable with our bodies we're uncomfotable taking about it. We're giving kids a gun and the bullets and we're letting them laod and shoot.

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