Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Happy Birthday Jane Goodall

Today is my hero's birthday! I remember the day I sat in the auditorium at Carleton University in 1984 watching a  movie about Jane Goodall. I was blown over by her kick- ass courage, vision, love and respect for her great beast Chimp friends.I wanted to be her but unfortunately there were no studies offered in the field of conservation at my university at that time and so I did the next best thing....promoted, talked about and served in what ever capacity I could/can to keep her work alive!

I was honored to meet her at the United Nations.

My father and I were big  lovers of National Geographic magazine, watched  Wild Wild World of Animals and visited the zoo together once a year till I was 25 years old.  It is because of my father that  I love animals and nature and since  those things surround me his memory and spirit do as well. I am never alone.

Many Blessings Jane.

Had it not been for you the Chimps would be extinct and we would have never noticed. AND..on your own coin.

84 years old April 3rd!!!!!

Please visit janegoodall.org and give what you can.

Also check out Savethechimps.org.

This is an organization that rescues chimps from animal experiment  labs where some have been kept in 4x5 concrete prisons for decades. Because of Dr. Carole C. Noon, they are brought to an island in Florida for a dignified retirement.

Love u Jane!!!! What a profound path you have cut.

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