Friday, December 8, 2017

Al Franken and John Conyers I support you.

Collusion: A secret of illegal cooperation or conspiracy, to defraud another of his or her legal rights. (

Forget about Trump and his collusion with the Russians just for a moment. What really makes me sick is the action that The Democratic women senators took on Tuesday, Dec 5th in the middle of the night phoning and texting and emailing one another, forming a bloodthirsty cabal appointing themselves Judge, Jury and Executioners of Al Franken’s legacy.  They took away his legal rights, AND they spat in the face of the United States constitution which guarantees a person due process.

That makes all the Democratic Woman in government who got on this unconstitutional bandwagon GUILTY of collusion. They bullied him, shamed him, and forced him into resigning for what they and they alone perceived to be "the right thing to do!" They tarred and feathered this guy and ran him out of town.

I watched CNN last night as they came on one by one with pursed lips shaking their heads, feigning disappointment in Al. "We are so sorry this happened, but it was the right thing to do." They agreed.

Oh really?

Maybe they should take look at themselves in the mirror and instead of bitching about Trump admit that what they did WAS NOT the right thing to do. Bullying and threatening and shaming is NOT the right thing to do. In fact, it smells of the political styles of Oligarchies, Dictatorships and Fascists. Everything Trump has been accused of.

 THE RIGHT THING to do would be to issue a formal apology to Al Franken and  John Conyers.the American people and have them reinstated.

I DO NOT CARE if Al squeezed an adult woman's butt eight years ago. None of the people I spoke to care.

I care that   I was abused for 15 years as a child by my adult brother Michael Holosko who now teaches at the University of Georgia, and sits smugly ensconced in the safety of Tenure. I care about Roy Moore and his alleged penchant for little girls. These are things to care about!

At least Trump is honest about what he represents and maybe there is something to this loyalty thing he obsesses about.  I guess the real difference between the Republicans and the Democrats is that Republicans will stand by their man or woman no matter what the consequences and the Democrats will throw their own under the bus the first chance they get at the expense of the constitution of the United States of America.

So now, since we are all on the same page on this issue; Democrats as closet dictators and Trump outed, and since I have a far from perfect past…I would rather be a Republican and know someone has my back, then a Democrat and be burned at the stake.  
NOTE to Al:  I bet your constituents feel the same!!! Ask them. And please, leave these inquisitors in the dirt, join the Independent Party and kick some ass!
Same goes for you John Conyers.


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