Thursday, March 16, 2017

Trump hates culture

The budget plan, calls for the elimination of four independent cultural agencies — the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.  This stupidity is also  going to destroy  the nation’s cultural infrastructure. Who needs Art?

That's bad for me.

If the Arts aren't valued many large institutions will no longer be able to remain open. If that happens the buildings and land that they are on can then be used to build another Trump Tower!

For the Trump family that's  a worthwhile goal since none of them seem interested in the cultural beauty that exists in this country. That's what development means to this family.  Ripping up and tearing out and using the excuse that profit be the only determining factor in whether an institution stays open or not.

That means the Smithsonian has to go as well as Arts programs all over the country. Who needs to experience the Arts anyway?  Big deal. Take that funding and buy a golf course.

What many people don't realize is that developers buy not only for the present but for future generations.

For example Trump destroys  nature and  builds golf courses because the land is cheap,  it's easy to clear and many years fron now, when it's no longer used  (because people don't golf anymore) he can build and add little houses  like we do in Monopoly.

And...he can sell those houses for a couple hundred-thousand each.

And that's a good deal according to a the Trump Family.

Who needs to experience a forest anyway?  Kill everything animal in sight, plow down the trees.

Trump thinks that this is the better deal.One house is probably equal to the price that he paid for the entire course.

And it doesn't matter if this process takes generations to come to fruition. The only thing that matters is that construction will at some point have another gig.

This is the heart of a  developer. This is the heart of Trump and his cold hearted family.

If only culture can be sold?
If only creativity could be monotized then the Trump family would be happy be very happy indeed.

Evil culture!.

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