Friday, March 25, 2016


The Japanese government  thought that it was a good idea to get out into the deep ocean , find 200 pregnant whales to KILL
and another 100 males, for reasearch purposes.
 Research, my ass.
What a coo! How much was that a whale?

The females were targeted because move a lot slower when they are pregnant.
The clever Japaneese fishermen figured that if they found a whale birthing place they could capture the whales in various stages of giving birth.
And yummy too! Apparently the suffocating fetuses are extra delicious and naturally a delicacy some consumers can't live without.
Can you spell sick fuck?


Mankind is sorry for slaughtering the beauty and greatness that you have always brought to the deep seas. Your death was tortuous and harsh. It took hours for you to suffocate on the ships and feel your babies kick inside you begging for life.
I am ashamed and I am sorry. Please light up the skies with your power and the power and light of your unborn babies.
(Please so whatever you can to bring this to light. Pass on this info to friends, sign a petition, dream and cry).

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