Monday, January 11, 2016

Wired For Women Nov. 2015

There is no question in my mind that I have been remiss on my obligations to comment on WIRED MAGAZINE. After all I am their self-appointed watch dog  and my job is to report to you my dear readers . Now I'm back and


Wired LISTENED.. That's right, you read it right.

In response to my Observation regarding the lack of women represented in their magazine Wired  put women in the November Edition 2015.  In fact, Serena Williams appeared on the cover and worked as a guest editor!

( I didn't not know that Wired had "Guest Editors". Clearly, I would have been the obvious choice but alas, I am just a lowly blogger with lofty opinions).

In the November edition 2015 Wired introduced a real-life exchange between men and women who have an open  discussion on topics like sexual harassment.  Really NEAT. Really COOL!

They also had a section on kitchen stuff and gift ideas!!!!  (If you want to spend three hour making the perfect coffee you will find the recipe here).

I don't like coffee but there were lots of other interesting products that caught my eye.

But this begs the question....

 Kay, are you delusional  to think that a major magazine would hear and listen to you?

There is no question in my "delusional" mind that the answer is YES!  Here are the facts;

1. Put Woman on cover
2. Added ads for women
3. Added dialogue between men and women.
4. Took out that weird lighting behind featured women

(I think that Wired went a little overboard to prove a point and that's why I still think this is a computer generated magazine so here's a note to you computer.

Dear Wired: 

I know that you are scouring the internet to make sure your reputation is in tact and you are reading this so I'd like to point out that you want to alienate your loyal  audience base by overkilling the women thing. However, I do feel this was a smart move because you attracted advertisers that would not have ordinarily been interested.

Now we have to work on keeping those advertisers!

Don't forget women are interested in technology they just need it presented in a way that speaks to them.

And finally, in exchange for my very valuable services I do NOT think that you should bill me for a subscription because clearly you do not want to hire me as a consultant.

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