Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Elderly and the Weather

It is soooo incredibly cold in New York today!  AND IT GOT ME THINKING ABOUT:


 Not only does the unusual weather feed into my paranoia about this being the beginning of an ice age, it also got me thinking about why weather reporting has become so inaccurate of late, the importance of predicting the weather and the elderly.

 To answer my first point, I think weather reporting has become inaccurate  because the weather patterns that the computers are picking up are unique in that they have not yet  been recorded by the computer system. Therefore there is  no point of reference no established algorhythm and without a point of reference there can be no prediction.

So in my apocalyptic post technological age the question is: Who would  predict the weather?

(no... I am not smoking too much).

Then I thought of the series The Game of Thrones where the elders are held in high esteem because they CAN predict the weather. These elders had lived enough years to understand the weather patterns that were likely to occur and, therefore could make accurate predictions.

Weather predictions were and are essential and used to time the planting of crops, harvesting, moving, building houses etc. From that I addressed my second issue which is the importance of predicting the weather. I concluded that weather prediction is a skill, a survival skill.

All this fed into my belief  of the importance of the knowledge of the elderly. When technology is eradicated and we become a travelling nomadic people we will need weather predictors, predictors which can only be found in our elder population.

 We are loosing a valuable resource our elderly, by isolating them from the general population in nursing homes and retirement communities.

Because if we don't talk to our elders how can we predict the weather? So talk to your elders. If you can't take them home then visit more often.

 I made that! 

K xo


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