Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Henry Gone 9:30 AM Wed. Sept 16 2016

Henry's spirt is racing around the apartment. Loved to run. And...he doesn't seem to want to make the final transition.  Maybe he'll stay as a spirit guide. Maybe he'll just flit away. I'll give it a day or two and then I'll know. 

I would be surprised if he stayed he wasn't the most profound or wise little dog. But he definitely was a clever little self preservationest. You have to be a very old spirit to be a spirit guide and you've had to have some lifetimes together.

For now my little pup is running, and running he loved to run. He loved people to watch him run! But his back legs would fly apart like crooked chicken feet, his ears would blow back. He'd run and run as far as he could. Then he'd turn around by jumping on the air in half a back flip and run back again. He never got tired. Even after a while of running he seemed to get energized for more. I often had to grab him and slow him down and he loved to escape my grasp.

Yes. Henry was a runner. He ran like the wind a kind of chaotic unpredictable wind! He loved it!  I learned a valuable lesson from Henry. 

Just because your not good at something doesn't mean you can't love it.!

Run little Henry run.  And he liked to jump over puddles and that he did gracefully like Michael Jordan just floating in the air, time stopped. It was elegant and prissy and clean. Surgical the way he used to jump over the puddles.  People stopped in the street to look.

Henry taught me another valuable thing.

If your not good at doing the thing that you love. Cover your ass and do something your good at and make it great!

Henry was a great model! The first dog supermodel!

(He died with his ears back, just as they flew when he ran.)

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