Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ralph Lauren and the Olympic Uniforms

America... it's time to wake up

Ralph Lauren's decision to make the Olympic Uniforms in China is a clear cold reality. The US and China are inextricably tied together. Made IN China is an American staple

Look around your house. Check out the labels in your closet, look at your T.V and pick up your cellphone.

That's RIGHT!!! All that stuff is made in China.

This is an American Reality. We don't need to blame Ralph Lauren and pretend this is some big deal..

WE gave away our manufacturing base years ago. And why? Well... the manufacturers had to respond to the public  (that's us) for  insisting on only buying the cheapest. Let's take some responsibly here and NOT CAST the FIRST STONE!


P.S  They do have a point about the berets. What's up with that?

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