Monday, May 16, 2016

Summer 2016 Dream Makers Collection

This is my summer collection for 2016. Bracelets and Wall hanging. They are from my Dream Makers Collection series "Mary the Elephant".
These  Dream Makers were  inspired by Mary the Elephant.
 Mary lived in the early 1900's She was one of the first circus animals of her kind. Very few, people  had ever seen a live Elephant!
No one knew how to take care of them, what to feed them or how to treat them.
If you were wondering what about all the fuss was about re:  Barnum and Bailey using elephants in the circus; this is a bit of the history on how these animals were treated.
Back to our story...
One day Mary  trampled a man .She was walking to the circus ring in front of the whole town.
When circus elephants got to old to perform or too expensive to feed. The circus owner would have to put them to death. A gun that effective was scarce so it couldn't be shot in the head. The beast was too hard the kill. And then what would one do with the body? Burning it was out of the question and burying it would cost too much in terms of manpower. The only was the circus owners could get rid of it was to starve it to death.
 This happenstance moment that happened to Mary the Elephant proved to solve all the circus owners problems. The animal would die, and the townsfolk would pay for its burial.
Truth is Mary was starving to death so she went to pick up a watermelon rind that had dropped on the dusty road.The drunk abusive man who was sitting on her back beat her and beat her until she could take no more.She threw him to the ground and stepped on his head which, newly configured, now looked like the pieces  of the water she had reached for to eat..
The judge on the County in which this nightmare transpired  sentenced her to death by hanging. 
Huge crowds came to watch as a great crane hung her. The first time the cables snapped and they left her moaning on the ground in pain for hours.Then they hoisted her up again and let her dangle there well into the night
A year ago I channeled her. She wanted to be in the circus again. She loved the crowds and the  cheering .
These small wall hangings and bracelets  are inspired by her happy moments. 
They cheered when she lived. They cheered when she died!
Mary so wanted to be remembered. These pieces represent her joyful heart, her body all decked out and her soul  ready for a day filled with majestry, mystery, cheering crowds and love.
These pieces roar for Mary!
They cheered when she lived. They cheered when she died.

P.S. I have no idea why the underlined text just appeared. For some reason I cannot remove the lines.'s the ghost of Mary.

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