Monday, May 30, 2016

Harambe the Gorilla was trying to protect the boy

Look at the picture below
Look at the way he rushes to pull the tot from the water.

Look at the picture below
see the tot looking up at him in the water.


Looking how he is looking up at the crowd screaming so loud.

He had to escape from the vile  sounds 

There were so many of them and only one of him.

How could he protect this boy from them?

He had to run he had to run quick to his nest,

to protect the boy his human friend.

As a smart being

 a wise being,

he knew he was going to die.

Look at the pictures below.

Isn't that what we strikes a chord in us?

Overwhelmes us and makes us sick?

The bravery of a creature 

 facing death,

 yet still reaching out to protect a human,

a human like the one that killed his mother,

ripped him out of her arms,

 and brought him to the Cincinnati zoo?

Like a lifeguard saving a body from drowning he dragged the boy away while

 the frenzied crowd roared.

The water was cold.

The screaming hurt his ears and

it was directed at him.

Like a mother trying to move her child away from a racing car,

he pulled the boy.

Look at the pictures below.

The zookeepers knew he was kind, gentle and nurturing.

What made them think Harambe would harm the child?

If he wanted to hurt him he'd break him in two.

Just a small concussion for the boy?

What made them think that gorilla hands would kill?

For just a small concussion.

Look at the pictures below.

But Harambe died the moment that boy crawled..

Harambe is dead because of stupidity.

Harambe is dead because
he protected,

because he understood
and because

he loved.

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