Saturday, August 11, 2012

Indian Pow Wow on Bear Mountain In NYC

Pic of Kay Hall taken by Peter G. Pereira


On July 4, 2012 I went to an Indian Pow-Wow on Bear Mountain it was wonderful ,welcoming and spiritual.

Here is a pic of some of the dancers.

Photography by Kay Hall

(Check out the giant corn below)
The picture you see below is real edible wild corn from South America. I saw it an an authentic South American Native food stand at the Pow Wow. Check out the size of it!

 With every fruit and vegetable on the planet at the local Fairway I'm surprised that we don't have giant kernel corn here. In fact I've never seen anything like it.  And I've never tasted corn that delicious with a little melted butter and a sprinkle of salt.

They also had the Best Tamales I have EVER tasted!!!

Photography by Kay Hall

Now on a serious note

I am personally very concerned about the state of Native Americans and deeply believe that the public needs more education on their history and present state. Some Native peoples sell cigarettes and have a couple of gambling casinos..big deal!!What a great option of careers we have left them.

And the part about Indians not paying taxes? That's a mute point. Since most American Indian live in poverty they don't pay taxes anyway.

On  my U-tube channel I am doing a weekly show called Native American Facts be sure to tune in.

Photography by Kay Hall

Kay Hall Photography by Kay Hal

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