Monday, February 6, 2012

SuperBowl Congratulations NYC

I am not a big sports fan but the finals of anything are exciting. I'd like to give a big shout out to NY. Congratulations!!
This wouldn't be a super bowl blog without however commenting on the commercials. Sadly the quality of this years Superbowl commercials has taken a big step back. Through a plethora of average car commercials to some really tasteless 30 second spots.
Even Jerry Seinfield got into the game selling an Accura.
By far the worst car commercial was for the Fiat 500, which was immature and insulting.
The car commercial I liked the best was for the Mustang. Not so much for the commercial but I really liked that car.

The two top commercials go to E-trade and Sketchers. E-trade didn't reinvent the wheel here. They stuck to what has been tired and true- those adorable little babies taking stock shop. Sketchers had this really cute French Bulldog named Quigly running around. I guess you just can't loose with dogs and babies.

The worst commercial really stood out for me. Tax told a story of a little boy who while in his swimming pool needs to urinate. Consequently, he runs inside the house to discover that there are no bathrooms available. What is his solution? Well, he jumps back into the pool where his sister is frolicking and lets it rip. I was absolutely disgusted. What does this have to do with filing taxes? Whoever wrote this one was a suppressed golden shower fetishist.

The other commercial that absolutely disgusted me was I actually like this company and know many people that have had great success with their website. The commercial however was inhumane and irresponsible and showed many chimp babies walking around. Do you know what happens to most of these animals when they reach maturity and can no longer be managed? The majority suffer greatly.  Some are caged, sold as roadside spectacles and chained up for the rest of their lives. Some are sold as lab animals and will be housed in 3 x 4ft cages in which they can barely stand and most likely be isolated from all contact with their own kind.  I was disgusted by the lack of education that some of use have strived so hard to impart. You might want to check out a great organization called savethechimps if you want to get involved.

And there we have it.

Kay Hall signing off.                                                                                                                                

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