Friday, February 3, 2012

Stephanie Madoff says Bernie Riuned my Life

There is no question in my mind that when you come home so find your husband hanging from a dog leash in the living room your life is changed forever. No family should have to go through that. But according to  Bazaar magazine Stephanie Madoff has moved on, changed her name and vows that her father-in law Bernie Madoff has ruined her life. In fact in the article she vows that she won't allow him to continue to do so.
Funny, however, I'm not sure how exactly Bernie has ruined her life. Seems he ruined it by the very nature of getting caught. Before that happened Stephanie, lived in the lap of luxury enjoying all the spoils that Bernie had to offer. I wonder if it ever occurred to her to even asked how such a fortune was amassed. Did she wonder where her diamonds came from or how that yacht got funded?. Come on Stephanie... Bernie didn't ruin your life. You loved Bernie, you loved his status and you loved the lifestyle afforded to you.  And if he hadn't been caught you'd still be enjoying his fortune.

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