Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Secret to Eternal Youth

Hallelujah! Eureka!  I solved the secret to eternal youth for under a buck! Where is my Pulitzer prize?


I have discovered the secret to eternal youth. Well, I'm over 50, so eternal youth is anything below 40. But over the last 4 months, I not only feel like twenty, but I'm being treated like I am. Poof!! 

Through careful observation and first-hand experience, I noticed that an awful lot of young men were chatting me up in the dog run.

And I would catch them peeking at me when they thought I was not looking. Something strange was up. What could it be?  So I thought to myself,  yes, there are young men who have a thing for older women, but this was out of control.

All of a sudden, they everywhere following  me around in the grocery store, asking me weird things  like, "where can I buy asparagus  and is the fried tofu any good?"

I hadn't got this much attention since...I can't remember when. And then, Eureka! It hit me. These guys had no idea how old I was.  All they saw was the hair and the eye make-up that I applied carefully and heavily every day because it was the only thing anyone saw.

In the time of COVID, I have stumbled on the secret. Yep. After all these years of women paying for skin creams,  getting plastic surgery and injections, changing their diet, taking supplements, and drinking smoothies. Who knew the answer was so simple.

 I am here to tell you that all you need to harness eternal youth are two simple things. First, wear a  COVID mask, and second, focus on heavy eye make-up.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, but they are also age resistant.  True, a couple of crows feet walk here and there, but that's an easy cover up with a good foundation.

So ladies no matter what your age, all the guys see is your eyes. The rest is left up to the imagination. And if there is anything men can find do well when it comes to women, is imagine what women might look like. 

Enjoy being chatted up but be responsible, because these young men can be your sons, so treat them that way. 

Let's have fun but don't let it get to your head. Because when the masks come off, age goes on.


Let's stay safe and sexy together!


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