Sunday, November 10, 2019

Are you dining on Babies tonight ?


We like to eat things with baby in the name. What is it that attracts us to eat things with baby in the word? 

 Is it because the word baby infers, newness,  youth  and promises to be more tender and tastier then an adult of its own kind? 

We eat baby carrots, baby spinach, baby corn, peas, potatoes, which on the surface seems fine. But is this just a baby  step toward something more sinister, eating babies born of flesh and torture?

We eat  baby back ribs, baby chicken or poussin, baby cows or veal. We eat a lot of babies. And if we can't wait till it's born we'll eat it as an embryo growing in the egg

We eat things with baby in the title. We like it. 

 Which is not to be confused with infant. We do not eat food with the word infant. Infant cow, infant piglet, infant chick.  Eating infants would be infanticide. If we did that we would be perpetrators of neonaticide. 

Now if you eating vegetables one could hardly condemn you as guilty of infant homicide. But if you are eating baby flesh or any flesh for that matter. YOU ARE GUILTY of Infanticide a crime against humanity  and that's the stuff death penalties are made of. Since no one has gone to jail for eating baby back ribs...yet. You just might want to keep in mind that the act of infanticide is something that you are actively participating in with each chew, gulp and fart.

So take a good look in the mirror and explain that to your babies!

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