Tuesday, February 12, 2019

What do I do my husband is depressed?

Often I get letters for advice advice but  I know very little about so much I tend not to answer but this one was kind of fun, 

Here's the question

What can the wife of a man with bipolar do to help him. He has struggled (never accepted or managed) for 50 years, with the disease. As a friend, high school classmate, and wife of 20 years, I struggle with him. The cycle is ALWAYS the same… Depression, to the point of becoming suicidal, get to a hospital/doctor for meds and counseling, regain functionality, feel he doesn’t need the meds, so he stops, and plummets to the deepest, darkest depression, worse than the last time. Never held a job more than parttime for about 5  years he refuses to accept/own the illness and “fights” the information I share from your site with him. I think the information is right on point. He’s 68 years old. What can I do? What can I expect from him? Now, he sleeps 24/7, refuses to eat. I schedule Dr appointments, but he refuses to go. No personal hygiene practices (one time in the past, he went 8 months without shower or brushing teeth. Right now, we’re going on three weeks.) We are Christians and surrounded by genuinely unselfish, loving, supportive friends/family. What can I do? Thank you so much!!

Here's my answer

Get him involuntary committed and refuse to take him back unless he agrees to treatment and management. This can be an extremely dangerous situation for you and I’m sure you have experienced some violence. In a state like that he probably rejects God as well and consequently other types of energy (darkness) will begin to rule him.

Do not feel a speck of guilt ( he doesn’t) and enjoy your vacation while he is in treatment. If you let him he will take you and everyone around him and suck up your energy like a dry sponge. If you let this happen you will be caught in an endless cycle just like some alcoholics or drug addicts. The attention that they get from involving others in their downward spiral is an addiction in itself.

If I were you I’d file for divorce based on financial and psychological abuse and go on to find someone who will love and cherish and enhance your life unless you too enjoy the drama in which case you are perfect for one another.



Otherwise call 911 and get him out of your house.

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