Thursday, January 25, 2018

South Florida Fair Go. See. Do.

The sign says it all, except the Greatest Carnival on the Planet is actually The South Florida Fair located at 9067 Southern Blvd, West Palm Beach Florida. The Fair will be running from Jan 12-28. I recommend you plan a couple of visits and bring cash. There are ATM machines in the Park. 

I had an Uber cool time! You will too! I suggest you pick up a program  where you’ll find the times and locations for all kinds of activities from Native American Dancers, Goat shows, Chicken competitions, horse shows, live music and concerts galore. 

 My thing is Agriculture, so I put on my old blue jeans and headed over to the Fair. I parked next to Yesteryear Village which I had to walk through to get to my destination.  I thought I was going to take  a quick stroll but Yesteryear Village, as it turns out, is a fantastically staged village from the 1800’s to 1940's; an educational  and entertaining antique paradise for kids and adults. If I had planned better I would have been able to experience the Blacksmith corner, print making, dancers, competitions and tons of other stuff.   

Your first mission is to catch up on what I missed!

The volunteers are wonderful and helpful. They are crucial to the success of the park. Below is John in front of a 1900s staged house complete with beds with rickety steel headboards an original icebox, wood stove and a modest bathroom and see a lovely pioneer woman on a real ranch horse.



I hate to break it to you but if you have used the telephone below you are now officially an antique.

I also found a very interesting doll from the late 1940’s in the Telephone Museum. What struck me was that she was working as a switchboard operator. Historically, women were encouraged into the workforce because the men were at war, but as time went on women became full time homemakers, Barbie came along  and women turned to the full time career of preserving  perky breasts and tight butts. One step forward two steps back.

There are lots of places to picnic in the Village! But I warn you the food is crazy good.

(See Below) Bacon wrapped chicken sticks, thick cut bacon on a stick, a stick of a bacon in a Corn Dog.  Bacon on three sticks.  Sticks of bacon wrapped around more sticks! A Bacon Lovers Dream.
The sandwich that I brought, to save a bit of money did not work out.


 You can also Try the Swamp Plate, some Bison, Brisket Melt, or Deep Fried Extreme Tenderloin.

I have never seen this before on any cooking show or in any cook book. Ever. Deep Fried Watermelon? I know you want to try some and I think this is the only place on earth where you can get it.  Just another reason to go to the fair.  Let me know what you think? Unfortunately, I ate that sandwich that I brought from home before I saw the sign!


 I hit the Bird Fanciers show. Yep that’s right. Think dog show but for chickens. On one side of the building are the rabbits and they sell treats for the kids.  On the right are not just any barnyard chickens but ones with exotic plumage and colors. These are all Prize-winning birds. Best in their class! Turkey’s too!  Here are the ladies you need to meet.  They are part of the The Palm Beach County Poultry Fanciers Club. You don’t have to own a chicken to join and it’s only $20.00 a year for a family! The kids will love it!  

 (See Below)
Karen Plant, Inger Lewis Treasurer, and Lori Reed.


Isn't he a magnificent Turkey?  Look at the Navy gloss on his feathers. The stripped tail! First Prize Winner!

                                                           She? He? "I'm a lover not a fighter!"
                                                             Vegetarian anyone?  It's never to late.
As you exit Agriculture you will find tractor trailors to the right- every little boy’s fantasy. Once he’s jazzed take him to the Monster Truck Ride.

To the right is a pioneer wooden rifle range. I like to shoot inanimate objects and with the help of one of the staff I got quite good. What I didn’t realize was how heavy these rifles are.  Pioneers were Kick Ass. Who needs a gym? Just go out into the wilderness, shoot 20 rounds, build your own house, grow your own food, have a couple of kids, shoe your horses get a reading education and see how much weight you lose?  Ummmm Isn’t there a Reality Show for that?

I also competed in a balloon race with a couple of kids that cleaned my clock. But I made up for it at Balloon Darts hitting two out of three and winning a stuffed frog which currently sits on my dashboard. The game show guys are generous about giving a prize, so your little ones will not be disappointed! However, you will end up spending 5 to 10 bucks to win a stuffed animal that you can get at the dollar store but you've gotta admit there is something about winning that makes a memory.

If you want to be a hero This is your Mission...if you choose to accept. (see below)



 Take the Gondola so you can check out the park!
                                                                    Big Green Slide


See the Haunted House in the back? What would a fair be without a haunted house?...and a Ferris wheel. Which I will never go on because heights freak me out!

If you've got little ones you can a buy day pass for the rides!

I also visited the petting zoo, with cows a lama, sheep and goats. As you know I’m a big animal rights activist, so I had to inspect, and I believe it’s safe to say that the animals looked well taken care of and enjoyed the attention. The ponies seemed a bit tired…

 You can buy treats for the animals at the entrance.


Below: Jacob the Animal Hand

Please don't eat me! 

  Double Trouble!

The staff will answer any questions you may have to do with Animal Care so ask away. They  hail from a company in Missouri called See-me--Safari, a 4th  generation family business run by Jay Phillips who was happy to speak to me on the phone.
Six hours  later I was toast.  

As I was wandering back through Yesteryear Village to get to the parking lot I spied a food vendor. What kind of fair would this be without a Corn Dog?  I ordered one expecting a frozen reheated treat but what I got was a homemade batter dipped deep fried in fresh oil Best Corn Dog experience EVER.  Next time no sandwich for me. Ribbon fries and Corn Dogs for all!

That's a Fair! The Greatest Fair on the Planet!
Go. See. Do!
In the end it's all about creating memories for your family and friends. Love. You can't put a price on that... so bring cash!


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