Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Killing a dangerous giraffe and bleeding it out using an arrow.

I just want to give a shout out to Sabrina Corgatelli and thank her for killing the very dangerous giraffe that was about to storm Manhattan leaving a wake of destruction in its path.
Its odd how hunters play with the word dangerous. I did a piece on a Bison slaughter and the shooters said the same thing. Apparently, we have also been saved from the "dangerous" bison.
In order to stomp out giraffe attacks, Sabrina needed a bow and arrow, she needed to pierce the animals major organs and she needed to watch it try to escape, and writhing in pain. This was a cruel blood bath! That beautiful animal may have suffered bleeding out for hours.
Thankfully no blood touched the fur of the "dangerous" animal that Sabrina wanted to have stuffed and put on her wall.
And to proove such an aggresive beast was murdered she twisted it's neck (which probably took place just after the kill to avoid dealing with riggamortus)  toward the camera to smile and enjoy "a moment in her life she shall never forget".
Thanks again Sabrina! You have defeated the beast with your bow and arrow.  You have saved the world!
C u in playboy#