Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rent Stabilization, and my hero Bill de Blasio !!!!!!

Over the last two days the New York post has published two articles directly related to housing in New York City. One on rent stabilization and rent increases the other on the ruling of Justice Stoller regarding tenants ability to rent their apartments in sites like Airbnb.

In the first article publish in the New York Post, on June 17th page 4, our wonderful mayor Bill de Blasio had the fortitude to suggest that  there be no rent increases this year for Rent Stabilized apartments. that is despite the overwhelming pressure of the Landlord lobby! 

I live in a rent stabilized apartment and have felt the economic crunch yet my rent keeps going up. Ultimately, It came down to cable of internet or rent. I picked rent.

Rent stabilized apartments however, are not free ride inManhattan They rent for a little below market value and in fact most rent stabilized tenants pay up to 80% of their income to keep their apartments. Most tenants live in fear of eviction for non-payment. A lost job, a slow year, a family illness can mean homelessness for some... including myself.

I have personally logged over 100 court appearances over a period of 5 years in Housing Court trying to keep a roof over my head.

 What I experienced in the New York Housing courts, was a combination of fear and terror. For me it was a thoroughly degrading and hostile experience except for  the courtroom of Judge Wendt in whose courtroom  I felt  safe and my rights protected. It was not the same for some of the other judges whose courtrooms seethed intimidation and questionable courtroom behavior.

Honorable Mayor De Blasio, it may be a good idea to look closer at the  Housing court system. I believe it is an institution that needs some attention. Personally, I would love to see some sort of formal committee given this mandate.

Next on the agenda?   May I suggest that we EXAMINE HOUSING COURT!



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