Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lowest Rent Increase Since 1969 in Rent Stabilized apartements. in New York City

Yep you heard it right! Thanks New York Post again for keeping me posted. Welcome a New Age. The greed is going thanks to our awesome mayor. I love you Billy D!

This is the lowest rent increase since Rent Stabilization began in 1969.  A wonderful 1% for a one year lease and a  2.75% increase for a two year lease. That means that the rent has increased each and every year since 1969. Until NOW!

Landlords have gotten their way for over the last 40 years.

But the tide is a changing I can feel it in the wind.

Naturally the lawyers for the landlords (The Rent Stabilization Board which is pro Landlords) came out to the press to belly ache about the rising costs and their inability to make a living. Why then would anyone with a rational business sense WANT to be in the landlord business? If your loosing money and you can predict to loose more.. get out!

So this my friends makes me very happy, very very happy and shows a new  kind of leadership emerging in NYC. A leadership that cares about the quality of life in New York City.

I can bet'cha however, that this is just the beginning of a long fight. Landlords do not go down easily.

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