Sunday, August 7, 2016

Free Trade Our Fault

We wanted it cheap.
We opened  Kmarts and Targets,  Walgreens, and discount stores all over the country. These outlets were created to  feed the consumers  appetite  for "cheap".

This was  not because the politicians did anything to erase our Manufacturing Base in America.

"We the people" wanted cheap goods. We  demanded cheap goods.  And the only country that was able to feed this homegrown demand was China.

Free Trade or no Free Trade. It doesn't make a  difference anymore. We have built an economy around cheap. We have built Mega Stores that cater to this obsession.

Millions of Americans are employed at places that sell, "cheap things". Are we going to eliminate their jobs?

You can't give it away and ask for it back. Loosing your virginity falls into this category.

No do-overs allowed.

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