Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Shame on you Copenhagen Zoo

Disgusting, horrific, stupid, shamefull. Marius a beautiful 18th month old baby giraffe. He gets up in the morning of January 9th. He S stretches his longs legs and very long neck. He turns his head up to the sky and his big watery eyes mirror the roundness of the sun.

He sees his human handler at the gate and his stomach growls. Yummy stuff coming

He trots forward to a hand handoutstretched with a fruit. A metal thing touches his head between his eyes. The treat tastes good. The treat tastes really good. His body hits the floor his heart beats and stops. Children watch as an autopsy is performed. He is skinned, chopped up and fed to the lions. The school chldren are educated on how truly sick people can run a zoo.

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