Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's the Age of AUQARIUS Deal with it!!!!!

Ok people. Here's my take on the job situation. I've been reading countless articles in the paper about what to do for requiter , what to wear for requiters, how to talk to requiters how to do everything except wipe your requiters ass. I know for a fact that some people are so power hungry are going around saying that they're requiters just to get attention in the room. I've also caught on to some sadistic Human Resouce people who have nothing better to do than interview people all day they know they'll never hire.

If your looking you are no longer in a position of power. That means whoever your dealing with is in a position of power and you're at their mercy. That's a shitty position to be in.

I'm also sick of reading fictisious articles on "how to land a job". How about this. Take that job and stick it!

Sit back. Chill. Want to travel? Swap your apartement, grab a back pack and go. This is your time to grab the opportunity for adventure. This is the time for you to do the things that you've never done before. Sell some of that crap you'll never us. Visit a soup kitchen for the first time in your life. Sit down, have a meal and enjoy!

Whatever you do don't buy into this financial doomsday senerio. Get out there, grab this chance because when the economy gets fixed you'll be back to nine to five wishing you'd taken this opportunity.

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