Thursday, October 20, 2016

Sculpture: Three Peas in a Pod

I'm working in white! It's all I could find.

The last time I worked in white was when my grandmother was dying. She kept talking about her guardian angels.

I was inspired to make three of them. They were willowy and frail, and they kinda freaked me out.

I call this one "Three Peas in a Pod", which harks back to my memory of three guardian angels my grandmother saw.

It's  also clearly a play on fertility and friendship and a pun on the original saying, "two peas in a pod".

(There are actually 4 peas!)

Monday, October 17, 2016

Holiday Ideas to Help Suffering Dogs

Hi there, my name is Kay Hall. I am a professional writer and a boots-on-the-ground activist for shelter dogs.

Last year I started a small project which was very successful. 

I discovered  a way in which anyone can help our  furry friends  suffering in shelters all over the country. 

In March of 2015, I was doing some research on Heartworm and began investigating shelters around the U.S.

I never finished the article because I came across hundreds of pictures of  goofy puppies, traumatized seniors and abandoned dogs shaking in fear and shock. These were dogs that I knew were never going to have a chance to be loved or adopted. The shelter was the last stop for them.

I dug deeper and discovered that many of these shelters were stretched to the limit,  overloaded and understaffed.

I couldn't shake the images of the blank hopeless eyes from my mind. I couldn't sleep. It made me sick.  I decided that I had to do something. But what?

So...last year at Xmas I randomly picked a shelter in Rutherford Tennessee.  Rutherford is a small county of 200, 000 yet this was a place that was receiving 60 a week.. 

They needed basics.  Everything from dog food bowls, blankets, leashes, even water and bleach to clean the cages. The staff was so overwhelmed that they did not have the time nor resources to educate the community on the importance of spaying and neutering their pets.

Somehow I got the courage to call  the mayor Mr. Burgess and asked for permission to speak to the shelter supervisor Michael.

I told him I was calling from NYC and wanted to help him to get some of the things that they needed.

I was welcomed kindly and respectfully by this small community.

Who does that but down home Tennessee folk?

Michael, the shelter supervisor and I started to talk. We felt that creating an Amazon wishlist for the shelter was our best option.

This way all donations could go directly to the shelter to help those goofy puppies,  abandoned seniors and traumatized dogs. Dogs who once had a home and wee puppies who would never know what  that meant.

We created that Amazon Wishlist.

I came to understand  however it is not enough just to post a wishlist and hope for traffic.

That's when I decided to make up
business cards and go out into my community on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

I stopped strangers walking their dogs on the street and handed them a card and spoke about the needs in Rutherford.

It turns out that dogs on The Upper East Side love to give presents to their less fortunate brethren.  By New Years almost everything on that list had been filled.

The best part is that the  community in Rutherford got excited by the attention and started to reach out to their own shelter as well.

It was also a  morale booster to the staff and they took the opportunity to start a newsletter, organize the First Easter Egg Hunt and began  educating the community!

The project also began to forge a link between our community and theirs!

Here is my humble suggestion for an Xmas gift this year.

First, pick a state you are interested in and Google Animal Control. City run facilities can use the help!  Check out their website. You will be able to identify the ones in the greatest need by their requests in the "How you can Help" section of their website.

Give them a call and ask about their intake numbers a week. Do not be shocked, or judgemental.

Second, write the names of a couple of these shelters down on a piece of paper and pick one.

Third, get on the phone and speak to the shelter supervisor. See if you can make a friend.  Keep in mind you are treading on someone else's territory. No one wants an outsider who lives hundred of miles away to come uninvited into their home and tell them what to do. 

Just remember the people who are actively working in some of these places are overworked, underpaid and have to face  horrible things on a daily bases. 

Fourth, let them know that you found them on the internet, and are  impressed by the work that they do. Explain that you understand the very difficult situations they face everyday and thought that your community may be able to help.

Fifth, get together and make that wishlist.

Sixth, come up with a business card like the one I created. for that yourself. Get 500 at Staples for twenty bucks or so.

And seventh , get your butt out there and into your neighbourhood. Give all the doggies an opportunity to send their friends a gift! 

Let's give some of those goofy puppies, abandoned seniors and traumatized dogs a spark of hope. Let them know that they matter, they are not bad dogs and are worthy of a warm blanket on a cold night.

And...let's give the shelter staff a pat on the back. They deserve it!

Good luck! 

And please contact me if you need any guidance. 


Friday, October 14, 2016

What Equals Beef?

What = BEEF?

A Dairy cow kept perpetually pregnant.

For our milk.

A dairy cow who deficates her babies into a filthy trough.

She has long stopped feeling.

She is  broken in mind and spirit

For our  milk.

Giving birth year after year.

A dairy cow.

A sport for factory workers

Bets are on.

How many calfs she can have before her uterus falls out of her body?


How long before her teats stretched from the milking machine  drag on the floor?


How many days til madness sets in?


And when she can milk no more
She is slaughtered and made beef.

And friends is what equals beef.